Friday, December 20, 2013

Funny story - Christmas nuttiness.

Christmas Nuttiness

Have you ever watched a squirrel on a fall day scrambling around gathering nuts?  They dash from place to place frantic to gather all they can.  They cram acorns into their cheeks until they look like fuzzed up electrocuted rats with goiter. Nuts!  Just plain nuts!  It’s all that’s on their mind.
My wife is a lot like that at the holidays - particularly the frantic scurrying around and nuts part.  Nuts remind me of the panicked call I received to dash to the store to buy nuts while the cookie recipe was still in the mixer without the necessary ingredients.  When I came home we went nuts with joy at being rescued from the nut shortage crisis contrived from the nutty idea we should start making cookies without all the necessary ingredients.
Today my wife took the cookies to the grandkids' daycare so they could decorate their own Christmas cookies.  These were the cookies, of course, without the nuts because who knows if one of the little darlings would be allergic to nuts.  Go figure.  I wasn't supposed to be involved in this project, but in a panicked rush to load her treasure trove of cookie decorating goodies, she forgot the cookies on which the frosting would be smeared.  I save the daycare day with an emergency cookie delivery.
I am as afraid of going to a daycare center where preschoolers are armed with plastic knives and green frosting as a squirrel is crossing a four-lane road.  This is nuts!  It is frightening to see squirrelly four-year-olds with sugar sprinkles and waving frosting covered knives like Zoro.  Still you gotta hug your grandkids.  Now my clean jacket is covered in frosting and red sprinkles.  Aw nuts!  Merry Christmas, dear wife!  I’ll tell her when she stops scurrying around.   

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